Got these Thinkpads 2 days ago, Im already hooked, they are both model T430, the only difference is that one has 8gb ram, while the other one has 6g

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    @AlexDeLarge Well they were pretty cheap and unfortuonally I need to use a Onenote and other windows-only software at school, so one will be a singleboot with Linux and the other one Windows, maybe a dualboot. It's also really nice since they are the same model so I've got like 2 batteries and all that, but mostly because it was a really nice offer
  • 2
    I 've had a T430 for 4 years now and I'm super happy with it. I understand the urge to buy two 😂
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    Is that Antergos i see there? :D
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    They borrow these at my uni. They are great machines.
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    @olback It sure is, didn't really have time to install Arch, neither did I feel like it
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    @Bernarnold They really are something special
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