
183 rants in one minute? /s

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    Spam attack?
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    @electrineer Probably just a notification bug
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    this platform is at it's peak 😎
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    @joewilliams007 no it isn't... i see rants from 4+ years ago and they used to have 1K+ upvotes. Recently the highest number of upvotes I've seen on a post is 75 or close to that number.
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    @SidTheITGuy you didnt get the joke
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    @joewilliams007 maybe, i just wanted to get this off my chest somehow.

    Did you say it sarcastically?
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    @SidTheITGuy more rants 4y ago? woooah, now I wanna see the trend lines, does DevRant has a quarterly seasonality? Does it correlates with the seasons, or how early/late is it in the month? How did the pandemic affected the site as a whole? Did that many ranting devs died/left the field in the pandemic? Did the WFH revolution made things so much better that a generation of devs rant way less often?
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    @JsonBoa yes 69% of devs died in covid because of bad lung health and not being able to exit vi-rus. /s

    I think the community was already shrinking in 2019 but I haven't seen any statistics. I remember some rants about how the quality of content has been falling after certain people left or were kicked out.
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    @electrineer is infinite growth really a good thing though?

    Some people argue the internet itself peaked roughly before dial-up became widespread (and/or before the smartphone became commonplace, depending on who you ask).

    Arguably we can look at examples like facebook, or twitter, or clubhouse, any other social media site, the downward slope is where you find the people worth knowing, because they have staying power. Everyone else was just a bandwagon follower.
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    @Wisecrack I don't miss the memes that were reposted from other sites, but if you look at the stories tab, there are posts like which you rarely see.
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    @electrineer All the top stories seem to be of the following template: 1. IJK sucks, this thing happened to be that mega sucks, 2. heres some backstory with *technical* details, 3. jumpforward to resolution, that either also sucks, followed by a 'what-do?' type question, or how it resolved itself.

    4. Rinse and repeat, with the occasional disguised feel-good aphorism, or expression of exasperation.

    I guess thats the entire premise of the site.

    Maybe I'll go on linked in and promote the site as "the NEW hot site for programmers, and experienced people looking to expand in the field."

    Fuck that sounded cynical AND megaretarded.
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