Least fav part of remote work?

- When managers think you're in front of your laptop all day, they should be able to ping you ANY time of the day and expect you to respond.

"Well, you live and work at home and I'm paying you every month. So what if it's 3AM right now. Get the task done."

- When your team is remote and you leave a question to your teammate and they don't respond until night time - when they actually start working. Basically teams not letting each other know when they'd really be online.

- Too many meetings can be thing. It's not always though. So it's fine.

- Team level decisions take too long sometimes, so there's a chance you won't hear from your manager/team lead for a while.

I guess you gain something you lose something. Be it WFO or WFH.

  • 2
    All of these can be issues with WFO as well. Nothing specific to WFH.
  • 2
    @electrineer But they do happen with WFH as well. I only answered the question, man.

    Also WFO sucks on a whole other level. Office politics, mandatory FUN time by HR, etc. At least remote work doesn't have this.
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    Eh, perhaps your first point might be due to your job's culture or the importance of your job, but I'd simply ignore them as any other colleountil I start working again (and they would do the same). If they want me to be available outside office hours, give me standby/overtime money or wait.

    The rest of your points are all really simply handled by having a good team day discussing everyone's "manual" (how to reach me, when do I typically work, etc) and make basic agreements like "team" work hours and team meetings. This in combination with an actually functional, proactive team solves all your points tbh (at least from my experiences). Too many meetings (outside your team)? Make sure your team knows that you feel that way (others will agree probs) and skip meetings where you yourself don't add any value to or receive it from and explain them why.
    So if you have a chance, try it and hopefully it helps :)
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    But yeah, sounds like company culture and management quality are as big a factor as your team itself here..
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