
on Monday i finally decided to go to Control Panel and uninstall Visual Studio :)

i can't express the joy i felt minutes ago when the uninstall popup decided to appear -_-

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    Next year i'm getting married; uninstallation should be done by then, i hope
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    You know there are these things called "SSD" available, and multi-core CPUs? It's not that expensive nowadays anyway. It's pennies compared to the cost of software you use.
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    What do you know, uninstall succeeded but trash files are kept 🙄
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    @AndSoWeCode yes, so u must be aware that to whoever you throw such a comment the chances are they do have SSD. And no, it's still not considered cheap.
    The idea here is that there are many other IDEs and other Dev environments that don't require / utilize half the resources Visual Studio does.
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    @avedis Visual Studio Professional Edition costs 499$. A 1TB SSD costs 300$. In order to work you only need 120GB SSD which is below 100$.
    Please, don't tell me SSDs are not cheap.

    As for speed:
    Visual Studio, out of the box, allows you to program on several different languages (includes all the compilers) on several different platforms, contains emulators for all kinds of devices and all kinds of versions, and much, much more.
    That makes it large. That makes it take long to install or uninstall.

    Now if you have a problem with that, I suggest that you learn to install only what you need, instead of making up problems where there aren't.
    After that, please compare it to other IDEs with similar features in performance.
    And if you don't need those features, nobody's stopping you from using anything else that has just the features that you need.

    Last time when I started a clean Firefox on a magnetic HDD, I thought I'd grow a beard until it launched.

    HDDs are for STORAGE only.
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    So, in short, you went in a full circle to prove to yourself and justify that VS is slow? Seriously, you didn't really need to write all that fruitlessly. :P

    It appears you have the capabilities to easily invest money and decide what is cheap on behalf of others. Please dude, speak for yourself only next time. I hope you don't argue like that in public, @AndSoWeCode.
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    @avedis you still have to make a point that VS is slow. As I have mentioned, Firefox is slow. Everything is slow. Depends on what you compare it to.

    If an SDD is expensive, how do you afford VS?

    To me right now, this all sounds just like a cheap irrational whine from someone who has nothing better to do. In your place, I'd start coding instead, and maybe make that 100$ for an SSD, instead of complaining about not having that 100$ and blaming slowness on literally the largest, most comprehensive development package in existence today (d'uhhh).

    In real life, I avoid talking to dishonest people that make up bullcrap just for the sake of it, and then go through some mental gymnastics to turn any point made in the discussion a full 180 degrees.
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