how about starting an open-source project where the contributors are the devRant community.

any ideas?

  • 5
    put devRant open source and let people contribute :)
  • 0
    @akizor well, I'm not one of devRant developers.

    I'm just talking about an idea to start a new open source project with the devRant community.
  • 14
    we can start UserRant, where users rant on devs
  • 4
    what about some new js library? #innovation
  • 1
    can we have a poll somewhere for the ideas shared on this post?
  • 0
    I agree with @ShivamArora, this could be something good
  • 0
    @akizor I second this motion
  • 19
    maybe we can gather a handfull of developers, or even more, and do some charity work for non-profits or other institutions like adoptions/orphanage/blood donation. people who dont have money for things like this, but with hearts bigger than ours. just wondering
  • 0
    I'm up @akizor :) I'm a part of it
  • 1
    @akizor I second this one too. A lot of problems can be solved with technology, especially in 3rd world countries.

    I almost worked on a project for a non profit, unfortunately management didn't have the budget for me to hire a dev to write a piece of the code I couldn't do.
  • 0
  • 0
    That would be cool
  • 0
    I can contribute with a webbserver if that is interesting
  • 2
    @xroad not just 3rd world countries. orphans and homeless are in 1st world countries also.
    this move actually got me thinking. maybe is the time to actually do some good. i'll add a "rant" with some thoughts about this.
  • 2
    @Linux we're first deciding on the idea to start an open source project and then we will start contributing 😊
  • 0
    I'm certainly in!
  • 0
    Not for a presentational website
  • 1
    An app for ubuntu or a snap app that can be used to create an app lock. I tried to find an app for that but there is none for ubuntu atleast.
  • 2
    I had an idea about a platform where charities can find volunteers for their projects, and the other way around.
    the platform will also be created and maintained by a group of volunteers, so it's some kind of next level non profit where the running cost is close to zero.
  • 0
    @monothorn can be a good idea but it should include support for Ubuntu's mobile OS as well.
  • 1
    @linkinmedo that is a good idea. I like it, I can help with everything related to web development
  • 0
    @ShivamArora a snap app is supposed to run on any linux distro but it's fairly new and I haven't tried building one myself. This could be a good chance to try that. You in?
  • 0
    @linkinmedo great idea bro. I would like to contribute too if possible. :) I had an NGO myself where I was handling the tech side of it.
  • 0
    @monothorn I'm in. have never contributed to open source.

    but would be happy to start and learn.

    always happy to learn something new. 😊
  • 0
    @ShivamArora ok how do I connect with you?
  • 0
    I'm in!
  • 0
    i want in too!!!
  • 0
    @monothorn contact me on my email address: email.shivamarora@gmail.com
  • 0
    @mito @ahmednr123 are you guys in for any project or for a specific project discussed in comments?

    if for a specific project, please mention the project in your comments and mention the person with that idea so that he can start and we can contribute.
  • 0
    I wanna contribute with somethig too... I'm open to new ideas (non-profit or maybe some new startup, it doesn't matter).

    You can find me at: https://github.com/javierojeda94
  • 0
    @ShivamArora I am in for any project!!
  • 0
    @ShivamArora I cab be more helpful with Web stuff (but not design). Mostly front end from a pretty photoshop and but of backend. I only versioning with folders though. No github. Just kidding haha.

    I love the idea of doing it for a charity! Ideally one that it is very transparent with its fiance so we know the money is being well invested.

    No specific idea or charity to suggest though.
  • 0
    @akizor @Linux @javierojeda @xroad @NoNameCode @Wizardsambolton @Gansqa @monothorn @linkinmedo @ahmednr123 @mito

    This is what I had done three years ago before getting into college but couldn't develop it further.


    But we can make it open source now if anyone likes the idea.

    btw, I'm up for two other projects discussed in comments.

    @akizor you can decide about the charity or ngo project and tell the people interested.

    @monothorn up for the app lock project for Ubuntu but it seems too much a low level project as discussed with you in the email.

    For SpotSQL, if anyone's interested you can mention me and we can start it. But I may need someone who has experience contributing to open source as a mentor to start up a new open source project, about the licensing and all as this would be my first open source project if we start it.
  • 0
    If anyone needs my contribution, I am open to help. :)
  • 0
    @monothorn @javierojeda
    here are some ideas I wrote a while back:
    but the thing is that I didn't know where to start and that I have no backend knowledge.
    let me know if you know how to get this thing started.
  • 0
    @ShivamArora forgot to mention you in the comment above.
  • 0
    @linkinmedo connect with me on monothorn@gmail.com
  • 0
    Would be interested you can find me at https://github.com/wizardsambolton
  • 1
    i would go with a group on github and build a page on github.io for that group, to describe the movement. invite all of you who want to join and start accepting ngo projects. then, development and so on. any name suggestions?
  • 0
    @akizor shouldn't we first decide an idea or concept of work before deciding the name of the project?
  • 2
    @ShivamArora Hmmm, shall we go over a slack chat or something similar? i'm not sure comments can help as there are a lot of info.
  • 0
    @akizor ya that would be good.

    well, I haven't used slack before but if we can create a group on slack of the people in the comments that would be great to discuss about the project.
  • 0
    I agree with the slack idea!! 👌
  • 0
    Slack it is. Please send me an email at daniel.placinta@yahoo.com so i can send you invitations
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