The newest fucking chrome update made image previews (and other dark elements in chrome) fuck up (the actual image is only the white rectangle, the shitty half darker tone is the shit I am talking about), I even deactivated all the fucking plugins to make sure its none of them, did anyone else have that and fixed it? it doesn't even appear in the fucking source wtf

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    I believe Chrome changed how colors are displayed. Don't quote me on that though
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    @Ederbit Well that sucks, but how do I fix that, that's just horrifying to look at each time and if I take a screenshot of it and look at the picture, it puts another even bigger gray area around it
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    @JoshBent I just found the article where I read that. It's in german:


    Type "chrome://flags" in the adressbar and search for color. Disable "Color correct rendering". If that doesn't help then I have no clue. I'm using Firefox :D
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    @Ederbit Added 33++ to you for that, you are a saviour, thanks!
  • 1
    @JoshBent Goddamn I thought my phone is exploding 😂 Thank you dear sir
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