The guy was a complete asshole. He criticized every line of code i did and said he could find someone else who could do it better for less.

It also doesn't help the fact that i worked alone in that project.

  • 4
    Kick him
  • 4
    Let him find someone else. Nobody needs assholes like that.
  • 3
    People always criticize someone they can't be don't let it bother you either leave that shit head or leave that asshole, just go find some other job, there are people who want you and who will really respect you for your work.
  • 2
    Me: "okay. Pay me the agreed upon rate and I will walk away. Good luck finding someone else. 😘"
  • 1
    I don't understand. He could have found someone who would do better for less. Why didn't he?
  • 2
    In my experience I tend to find those kinds of people don’t have much going for them.

    Sometimes the every line of coders leave poor grammar and inverted ui features all over the place. They pride themselves on their code and then their product looks like it was developed by a robot.

    I would have opened his latest repos and done the same, until he realised he’s there to help rather than hinder. Signed off with “I could train a machine learning model to do this”.
  • 2
    @CWins because that’s a shitty thing that shitty people say, even though their working environment leads to a lack of representation.
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