Today I learned that in Unix/Linux or most command lines, when user is asked to choose an option as [Y/n], the uppercase one signifies the default.

I thought they made it a little harder as a security feature to prevent accidental keypress, and I’m shift+Y ing this for the last eight freaking years!!!!! Every time!

  • 9
    you live and learn :)

    I for one just yesterday learned that I can install .deb packages using apt-get. 10+ of years of believing I need dpkg for that :)
  • 5
    @netikras start using apt.

    :-) xD

    (And no... apt and apt-get are not the same.)

    But yeah, small details matter.

    By the way: Some tools check the case sensitivity for that reason.
  • 1
    you are not alone, count me in
  • 3
    It has implemented the YesConverter functionality https://devrant.com/rants/1793641/...

    Remember when we got rants like that on devrant?
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM I am. It's a Python-based wrapper (facade) for apt-get.

    IDK, I just saw the apt-get install ./some-package.deb line on some tutorial, copied and pasted it expecting for an error (what kind of a moron doesn't know that you use dpkg for that!!! :DDD) and to my surprise it worked. I sat there staring at the output startled by this magic.

    And that was all of my encounter with it. Didn't check whether apt supports the same trick (I know that its support for apt-* features was/is growing over time, so there are chances it's not ready for this kind of magic yet, IDK, and I'd rather write this long text about me not knowing it than RTFM :D )
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    Did they already fix their no interactive issues?

    I remember using apt in a script not so long ago and getting a warning about using apt -get instead in scripts due to potentially unexpected behaviour.
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    What does it mean to be the default? Does it use it if the input is neither N nor Y?
  • 1
    This one's so funny.
  • 3
    @Lensflare genuine question?

    It uses the default value if you press ENTER w/o entering your choice
  • 2

    Hot take.

    I'm actually against programs doing that. Default should always be no.

    Force motherfuckers to actually read what they are doing, or use -y or echo "y" || to be fucking explicit.

    Satan knows how many mishaps could have been prevented with that policy.
  • 1
    lol... I can only imagine!
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX I used to be all-for it. Then all-against it. Now - it depends on the question :)
  • 1
    And I put two pipes like a drunk idiot in a touch keyboard.

    Both parts are true.

    Please do not slander me.
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX since when do we take warnings seriously 😳
  • 1
    I always just hit y or n. Never asked the big questions of why.
  • 3

    Since as a noob you hit your first underflow or similar shit 😂
  • 1
    "Intuitive UI" amirite? 😏
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