
More proof of computer scientists not wanting to bother with CSS. Guys this is might be the secret to becoming pro. Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS). That's the creator of C++ website btw.

  • 29
    A brief 180 page tour
    A brief 180
    A brief
  • 7
    @zsixtyfour brief by c++ standards i guess
  • 15
    @zsixtyfour Well... It is rather long, but I can read that in maximum a few days, so...
  • 1
    As long as it gets the message through, it's good enough.
  • 1
    I can relate. I have to occasionally touch SASS files and I am very happy when I return to TypeScript.

    Currently I am playing with ScalaCSS, essentially a way of writing (mostly) typed styles in Scala, and I really see the appeal of that kind of approach to styling. It's always shocking to me that compiler/runtime is complaining about typos and illegal overrides which would pass silently and broke looks in classic css.
  • 6
    Well this guy doesn't need to make himself himself look good. If everyone already knows who you are there is no need to make a fancy website saying how awesome you are.
  • 4
    who needs css when you have c++
  • 5
    I really love websites like this. Easy to read, works on any browser and screen size, gets the message across. And a lot of pros actually have websites like this.
    Eg heres the website of the guy who developed curl https://daniel.haxx.se/
  • 2
    @tilde Daniel is literally god. can't thank him enough, cURL changed my life as a kid
  • 2
    A framework NEEDS to be simple and stupid. A product needn't be. He's the fuckin creator of C++. Nobody gives a rat's ass about the style of his website. If you're a web / mobile app developer who thinks using CSS would make you look like a pro, I think you'd be wrong. My opinion is KYA (Know Your Audience) before KISSing.
  • 2
    Wow, he is humble.
  • 5
    @zsixtyfour everything is brief in C++, don't you know?
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