
So I heard (a while ago) from one of my teachers at my previous study that they're waiting for the new european data protection laws to kick in so that they'll be able to start using Google for everything.

That would mean that every student is required to have a (school/school domain though) Google account.

"The data will remain in this country"

Yeah fuck off I'm not going to believe google on it's 'blue eyes'.

It's sad how an educational institution can force their students into a mass surveillance network. Really makes me angry as hell.

Luckily I got out before they're going to implement this.

  • 5
    @incognito did you know about this by the way?
  • 9
    School made us use Google for fucking everything, pissed me off. Thank God I got out of that shithole
  • 4
    i like those tags lol
  • 3
    @isaachaller I'd be the one who'd rather be kicked out than being forced to use google!
  • 4
    @linuxxx no? I didn't... I thought they would choose some weird Microsoft chat client that is connected to one drive (instead of the discord server I had setup for the school)
  • 1
    @linuxxx are you still on riot?
  • 1
    My uni uses office365/exchange.
  • 3
    @incognito MS Office for general office things and Google drive/mail/calendar for the rest.

    Not going to mention their name but heard it from the Linux teacher!
  • 2
  • 2
    @linuxxx sweet! I'll log in tomorrow. Been too long
  • 2
    @chzbgr Deffo, would be awesome to see you again!
  • 2
    @linuxxx you mean the 'small' teacher or the award bald one with the bad jokes? 😂
  • 2
    Yeah... that’s a whole lot of nope.
  • 4
    @incognito We only had one Oo. Oh wait I got the reference to the small part xD. Yes, him!
  • 4
    @shivayl I'd literally quit my study the second they require the use of Facebook!
  • 3
    Hm... From a UX perspective it's definitely better than the shitty systems they build in-house that anyone can hack if they really wanted to...
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    @billgates That's pretty subjective tbh. But this is from the privacy perspective so yah :P
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    @ThatDude My school said it was nearly a requirement when I was still there but I simply refused :)
  • 1
    man, it's so hard to get away from the Goog™
  • 3
    @DavidINC Yup. But, still, not trying at all won't get you anywhere privacy wise at all!
  • 0
    My school sold our souls to Microsoft instead. I don't think it's very much better.
  • 2
    @linuxxx, the EU is rather serious about the data protection stuff. At my old company, dealing with EU clients were a pain because of it. We’d have to fill out a form so that I could debug an obfuscated DB which would take a whole week before I can start looking at their problem when the client needs it working yesterday... google will only be allowed to host data physically with the EU
  • 1
    I like Google. :(
  • 2
    @Mindful Everyone their own opinions :). As soon as they stop their data collection/surveillance integration I might not hate it anymore :)
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