
!dev !rant
can any Americans here enlighten me, why do US police in movies/documentaries always say "vehicle" and "individual" instead of "car" and "person"?
I know a vehicle is not necessarily a car, but come on, say car, truck, bus, whatever.. isn't it more natural/common?

  • 1
    I wanna know too, please tell me after you have the answer. I just know that two words came from French 'Véhicule' and 'individuel'.
  • 3
    As far as I know, it's all hyper-specific legal-ese. Suspect implies guilt, say subject. Stuff like that. "Ah, but you didn't say it was a truck! You said it was a car!"
  • 0
    Because we have standards when it comes to legal/criminal proceadures in higher government institutions. We really have no room for ambiguity specially considering how ambiguous the English language can be. Most institutions have guidelines to be followed when building reports, so proceadures are followed. This os not exclusive to the U.S many other countries have it, we just have to be more consistend and anal about it since we have states the size of countries in other parts of the world.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Texas, fuck yeah
  • 2
    I believe they rely on interfaces
  • 0
    In American English the "proper" way is to use nondescript nouns; it's like a "respectful" dialect in order to sound unbiased.
  • 0
    I thought it's because it's clearer on the radio.
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