I wAs ChEcKiNg YoUr WeBsItE aNd I sEe YoU hAvE a GoOd DeSiGn AnD iT lOoKs GrEaT, bUt It’s NoT rAnKeD oN gOoGlE aNd OtHeR mAjOr SeArCh EnGiNeS.

please leave me alone

  • 1

    Bitch please, that existed since the internet is a thing.
  • 6
    @CoreFusionX jaSon invented it but the evidence was cleared immediately when he deleted his account
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    @electrineer haha gottem with their own medicine
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    Hot tip: I added some very simple logic to the contact form on my website so that if the form is dispatched in under 5 seconds since page load-- which no legimate human enquiry would ever do-- it 403s and blocks their IP. No need for any CAPTCHA; just doing this has stopped at least 95% of these spamming cunts before they reach my inbox
  • 1
    @JASONPEZZIMENTI not gonna pre-fill an actual thought-out legitimate enquiry about a project into a textarea tho is it, which is all I'm interested in.

    I do state clearly on the form "do not use this form to offer services of any kind" and on the 403 it says "in the unlikely event this is an error you can email ...." I also keep a table of everything that was submitted, which I review from time to time. I've never found a false positive in there, ever.
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