Which development standards and coding styles would you recommend in a development team? My colleague @jacoKotze and I are starting to get larger projects at work and 2 more developers soon (juniors with little to no experience), so we'll need some coherence soon.

Tabs v spaces is more of a joke, looking for opinions on other things please.

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    google style but 4 spaces
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    @MaxDeepfield Google style with tabs. :)
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    @MaxDeepfield gotta agree with @Pgdevpatryk here 😉
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    I use 4 spaces, simply because Python :P
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    @lithiex That annoys me to no ends lol. I think I'm going to write a script that replaces tabs with spaces for when I need to deploy to the server lol
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    Spaces; they'll save you from any odd aligning issues.

    But code and design patterns are far more important.
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    Do you know about the Joel test? Ensure you get 12/12 or a damn good reason for each point missing.

    Get a good planning software, start having a workflow (for example : backlog => functional design => graphical design => development => code review => QA => closed => released) that you enforce.

    Those would be the first steps I'd recommend to go from unorganized to productive team.
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    indentation: tabs, 4-space wide
    parentheses: space at start and end for non-empty ()
    curly braces: { on a newline after function or constructor
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    @PonySlaystation styling is far less important than design patterns.
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    Just research and try a few design principles among your seniors and pick one and just stick to it. And then for the junior, make it a requirement for them to use same ide/editor, same packages/plugins, same development OS, same server setup. Then put a step by step workflow diagram on the wall.
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    @mrlinnth We kind of are the seniors here lol. We're the only devs and about to hire 2 more fresh guys like we were at the beginning of the year. But yeah, will definitely enforce the same tools policy!
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    @TheCapeGreek frankly speaking, I am also in a same boat. And planning to practice the following link together with PSRs. http://stanford.edu/class/archive/...
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