I've got a question about PHP arrays as I try to update my coding skills.

The problem I'm trying to solve is converting one vendor's CSV format to another vendor's format for a daily processing job.

I have a multi-row CSV file (number of rows changes daily but fields (15) do not). My PHP converts it to an array with fgetcsv so I can then copy its rows and data to a different blank target array with the same number of rows as the source array, but a different field order and number of fields (55) than the source array.

From here I will apply certain conditional business rules to copy data, field-by-field, from the source array fields to the target array fields, then output the target array to a CSV.

I'm stuck trying to figure out how to create (initialize) that target array so that it exists when I loop through the source array and copy values over to the target array.

Can anyone nudge me in the right direction on how to dynamically (loop?) create that multi-dimensional target array of n rows and 55 columns? I looked at http://w3schools.com/php/... for guidance but can't figure out how to structure the loop to make just one array of n rows and 55 columns, and not "n" arrays of n rows and 55 columns.

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