A note I leave on my laptop:

"If you steal this computer, you won't know how to use it"

  • 9
    depending on where you usually leave your laptop, this challenge can be an incentive to steal it
  • 11
    @xalez College. I'm not worried, I talk to the people here.

    At first he saw Cairo-dock and said "Oh, it's a MacBook"


    "Where did you learn to program on Linux?"

    Same place I learned to program on Windows??? I think he thought I was using some Linux-exclusive language or something. It was c.

    If anyone in my classes can start my X server I would be impressed.
  • 9
    „What is this shit? Youpuntu?“
  • 7
    If I was a computer thief the first thing I would do if there wasn't password to bios would be wipe the HDD and install some distro on it 😂
  • 1
    All I can hear is “challenge accepted” lol 😂
  • 0
    It's dare.
  • 11
    I'd steal it, replace the OS with WinME, install WIndows Live Dashboard and then return it back
  • 0
    I will leave another to your desk: "keep it usable next time cozz i am not always good"
  • 0
    Stickers please!
  • 0
    What if one day you find a note instead of your computer saying "I don't want to use it, I want to sell it"?
  • 0
    @cyberlord64 "Good luck with that"
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