This question is for the 25-40 years age range.

Are you making an effort to save up for retirement? Or do you have a plan in place for that?

  • 4
    I'm building up retirement for more than a decade but I checked a year ago and it's nothing. One company I know just didn't pay (company pays part and arranges retirements here) and some other funds lost somehow. It must be somewhere. Different companies have different retirement funts and my general overview must miss a few of them. Got it spread everywhere. Dutch problems
  • 1
    And you? Have some arrangement?
  • 1
    @retoor No lol, fuck no 😂😂😭😭
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    @SidTheITGuy maybe interesting to look at. Maybe there are some arrangements with a lot of interest
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    why'd u worry about retirement if ur 25+?
    thats the time you invest in kids, and reap the RoI when ur old
  • 2
    I contribute to a 401k and try to max out contributions when I’m able. I try not to look at the account much and just hope there’s money in there when the time comes. 😅
  • 9
    i have plans for my old age.

    i'm gonna turn my "on/off"-switch to off.
  • 2
    I'm pretty much hoping my property value will outpace inflation.

    Also, kinda morbid but my folks were older already when they had me, so there's no chance they'll still be alive when I retire...
  • 1
    yes, ETFs.
  • 1
    @tosensei grim. The thing about that is, you will not realize going demented.
  • 2
    I'm saving in pension funds. In LT we have 3 types of pension funds:
    1. government-managed [social insurance; mandatory]
    2. semi-optional [you either use them or not; if you do - you can only use your €s after you retire. You can only have 1 type2 fund]
    3. optional [completely optional, flexible: have as many as you like, withdraw any time you like, etc.]

    as long as I have leftover of my salary, I am using all 3 types. Especially when my employer invests in my type3 pension funds as much as I do [if I transfer 100€, then employer also transfers 100€].

    I hope inflation does not eat up all the surplus the fund manager earns for me. And I hope we'll have the luxury of retirement when our time comes.
  • 3
    Congrats. Now I know that everyone or almost everyone who commented are 25+.
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    I’m hoping to go balls to the wall in investment soon, just need advice from a friend that knows it all in detail.
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    I have decent retirement plan but with the current outlook it may aswell be worthless at my retirement. So @tosensei plan seems all to luring.
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    @galena how's life in Switzerland?
  • 0
    @kiki Pretty good at the moment. Especially for people like me. But you kinda have a background fear of how long it will remain this way. There are clear signs of huge problems in the future that need to be adressed now. But they are simply ignored. Because why change when everything is fine?
  • 0
    @galena which problems? Forgive my jealous ignorance, but to me life in a country like this should feel like heaven (if you can afford it)
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    Depends on how my money heist goes...
  • 1
    @kiki Mostly that the states social security fund might run out of money. Because the most populous age group is going to retire soon with not enough young people there to pay into the fund. Tied into that are rising healthcare costs. And a healthcare system that almost caved in during covid. Also return on investment is diminishing since real estate dries up. The country is already very densly populated with strong regulations of new housing zones. Climate change action being voted against because fuel would be 10 cents per L more expensive. (Its more than 40 cents now since the whole Ukraine thing)

    So basically only problems that affect the future while the current situation is good.
  • 1
    @galena Aww that sucks. Someone tells me they're Swiss, I automatically stereotype them as someone insaaaaaanely rich and living around breathtaking views of snow and mountains.
  • 1
    American here: yes.

    I've done the 401k match everywhere I've worked and currently am in a position where I kick 50% of my paycheck to a separate account.

    It's not *all* saved; I do have some debts that I use that account to pay for, but I'd say 30% total does.
  • 0
    @Instrumedley You LITERALLY described my career trajectory.
  • 1
    Oh shit, if the Swiss are worried then the rest of us are fucked.
  • 0
    @Instrumedley holy crap your comment got downvoted and removed? unbelievable .. and they wonder why the dev community is so toxic.
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