Applying for a new job and got an assignment for a quick dashboard as a test, whoever designed the HTTP client in Angular should be thrown down a fucking building.

  • 5
    JS developers are really something else, coming up with a new library every 15 minutes and you would expect at least some of them to be good, but for some reason it's going to be a retarded clusterfuck of bad decisions EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    The latest addition is implementing HTTP requests as observables, whatever that's even supposed to mean. God knows what am I going to observe on a fire-and-forget event but clearly "performing a request and getting a result" was way too obvious, we need something to hinder people productivity, lest someone in this planet actually got something done by the end of the day.
  • 1
    Let’s Overrngineer a crud request
  • 2
    Yeah, observables are... weird. Guess they stem from an era where promise and async generator support wasn't standard in Js.

    Still, in the case of http requests, you can pretty much treat them as promises, and IIRC, you can just await them and they work.
  • 0
    How's puff?
  • 0
    You can turn it into a promise easily if you want. Being an observable has advantages promises don't have.
  • 1
    Then rejection: Your code wasn’t observable enough. And we failed to give you passing criteria even after you drilled us. Oh boy we can’t find qualified devs to meet our intellectual standards…what is this world becoming? Why are there no good devs left to grace us?
  • 0
    @IHateForALiving There's a good reason why I try to use as little libraries as possible. Who needs axios if you can just use fetch.
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    @retoor I don't know what a "Puff" is supposed to be. I have a doughnut tho.
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  • 0
    @IHateForALiving I thought puff was your cat
  • 1
    @retoor yet you can see how that is definitely not a cat, but rather a doughnut.
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