I have a 24 hours hackathon tomorrow (25 hours actually because of the time change).
I want to learn and create an app and I opted for xamarin as a development platform. Problem was: I didn't have enough space in my windows partition (it's a ~40Gb partition in a 128Gb ssd) so, as I am not using Ubuntu that much I simply deleted its partitions from Windows and installed visual studio with xamarin. I played a bit with it, everything was working fine, I switched it off and I was feeling great for my wonderful problem solving abilities and I was ready to go to bed to have a nice 10 hours sleep before the big event. I was about to sleep when I realised it was my cousin's birthday and I hadn't said "happy birthday" so I switch my computer back on and there I realised how much I had fucked up.
The grub wasn't working anymore and I couldn't boot.
I've just spent the last 3 or 4 hours trying to figure out how to make my computer boot normally using my housemates' laptops to create bootable USBs for Windows and Ubuntu
Thanks to some random commands in the trial version of Ubuntu I managed to disinstall the grub and make windows start but thanks to my experimentations while trying to fix the problem I am now waiting for visual studio + xamarin (~35Gb) to download and install again.
Tomorrow's gonna be great

  • 3
    And writing this I also realised I haven't contacted my cousin yet
  • 2
    cousinsof(@chtorr97) happy birthday i guess
  • 4
    I strongly recommend NOT to use xamarin, esp if you are a beginner.
  • 0
    Why is that, @CozyPlanes? It's basically native looking code (at least for Android, haven't done ios with it yet), forms is great for small apps and it's very well documented.
  • 0
    Can't you simply select Windows boot manager from the boot menu?
  • 0
    "trial version of Ubuntu" 😐
  • 1
    @Firedragonweb only using for one platform, and coding in c# is awesome, but as soon as going to cross-platform mode, tons of errors with no explaination

    prior to my experience
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