
Sometimes I scroll or tap something on my phone with my nose
(Usually when I somehow can't use any of my hands to do that or I'm just too lazy)

Is that weird? Am I the only one?

  • 8
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    Sometimes I do it with my penis
  • 3
    Nose, too
  • 5
    I do that too sometimes, but let's not talk about in which situations.
  • 2
    @PonySlaystation yeeeaaaaaa... Thanks for this quality comment
  • 4
    Not alone. Does it sometimes when wearing glows that are not mobile friendly and difficult to remove or put on.
  • 6
    This message was typed with my nose. 😂
  • 4
    Happens when cooking and hands are all covered up in something. GF cracks up when she sees it. I also use my forehead to activate my ballpoint pen when the other hand is full.
  • 5
    I couldn't use my touchscreen with my Halloween costume last year. I hadda punch out a whole text message with my nose.
  • 2
    I do this when its cold and I have gloves on me. So I accept calls with my nose
  • 1
    #TIL there are so many nose-typers. Have never thought about that option in my life till now.
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