About ready to murder Xdebug...debugging an issue on a Drupal site and the debugger catches fine if I set a breakpoint in index.php, but breakpoints in any other file do not catch, even though die statements show that code is being executed where the breakpoint is set.

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    This got me really bad once. problem was the code I read trying to get to with a debugging break point was after an asynchronous call. Xdebug kills those in their tracks...
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    @personman74 any way to fix it? I spent the rest of the day looking at variable contents by hand...
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    I ended up moving my debugging point further down the execution path.

    if you can't do that, or of if your xdebug is buggy you could kill all xdebug processes. sometimes, when using 3rd party debugging tools like Atom's it can bug out
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