
Visual Basic.

“Does VBA for Excel count? Because if it does then VBA for Excel has reached the ”nuclear resistant cockroach” level in finance.

You wouldn't believe what sort of processes in very big banks/financial institutions are built using 10-year-old VBA macros. In fact, VBA consulting for finance is a very juicy cottage industry at least in Europe to this very day.”


  • 1
    I'm surprised they're so young.
  • 5
    Not only Excel! Access too.

    There are enough companies who work with access and vba.
  • 3
    @Grumm I wrote access applications professionally
  • 1
    @retoor can one write access apps professionally?
  • 1
    @electrineer It is still used quite a lot.

    I tried once to make a custom data management access document for representatives.

    It was pretty complete. With full report printouts and all...
  • 1
    @electrineer yes, access can do everything VB does
  • 2
    I thought they used Java and COBOL?

    Now I'm scared 😱
  • 3
    The saying goes: "Excel is like a corporate Arduino. It's not the best, it's not the fastest, but it's so damn universal that it's going to keep its place"

    You don't want to know how many tools we have in Excel/VBA. Major benefits - We don't have to write frontend and maintain a server platform! The frontend is done, users are familiar with it already and can transform it as they please.

    (Not gonna write about downsides, you know them.)
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