
I'm reading a paper book right now, and it's eerie. My brain is desperately looking for pixels but finds none. I feel dizzy.

  • 0
    books? ughh...what are you, 80 years old?
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    @ostream what's it with you these days? Trying to parent me or something?

    Not everything I say to anyone is an "attack". I'm having fun banter with kiki, she knows how I speak.
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    You can leave the matrix, but the matrix will never leave you 😂😂😂
  • 1
    Similar when I've been at my computer for a long time and then I look through the window and am amazed at the insane resolution of the trees.
  • 2
    The feeling of just turning the pages of a physical book is awesome.
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    @CoreFusionX the smell! oh my god, the smell
  • 0
    What’s a paper book?
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