So, I'm about to be up shit's Creek. I need a new source of income, ideally either a new job or becoming a freelancer. I have been making intranet sites with ASP.NET for a while now, and I can tell two things:
1. It's too corporate minded, so I'll need a fucking degree
2. It's too corporate minded, so I'll be stuck with people like my boss, who still use tables to align content despite the project having bootstrap.

I need to do something more fulfilling, but I probably will have to leave my job by December anyway due to some major fuck ups in my life, do I need to get something lined up. I have been brushing up on my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills, but when it comes down to it, I suck at design so my "portfolio" is blatant clones to learn CSS and shitty Spartan things.

Basically, I'm anxious, terrified, and unable to figure out what comes next. Do I keep sending job applications and praying to whatever deity will listen, it do I start figuring out this freelance thing? If freelance, then how do I get into it? I'm terrified and desperate.

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    Freelancing can be a major heartache regardless of how good you are, so do not fret too much about it, even experts have issues with freelancing. But, I will give you this: get good with web design, get a udemy course on it for 10 bucks, it may bore you to death, but fucking finish it. Then look around your area, you will be surprised at how many shit services a lot of companies have that you may be able to implement better. Learn something that is not corporate minded, learn how to create apis and get really fucking good at other languages. Do not fucking neglect sql, css and fucking JS I swear to heaven you can do wonders with that shit and build a demo for a company. Fucking network like your life depends on it, a friend saying "i know a good friend of mine that builds web services" can be a godsend. And learn some php or python and build shit man. Shit that will be easy for any company to use.
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