
Not necessarily a work related rant but fuck me for choosing me become a developer…
I’ve basically become the go-to tech support for senior family members who can’t bother to even remember their e-mail password.
And the excuse “Oh that wasn’t around when I was your age” is a bullshit at best.
You didn’t fall asleep in the 80s and magically wake up when Gmail was launched.
I’ve legit had to go through a maze of 30 different e-mails and reset the password on all of them just to get fucking OneDrive working so that I could see a dumb picture of fish stew my dad made.

  • 1
    @jestdotty I don’t eat fish
  • 4
    "That is not my specialty." Then ramble off a bunch of tech words to baffle them into retreating. Also, "I don't know how to do that. Try google." Which is true. Even though me knowing how to do that is one google search away.
  • 0

    "I don’t eat fish"

    Try: "make me a sandwich"
  • 0
    Just start billing your hourly tax. Otherwise anything that fails in the future will be your fault, because you've touched it 2 years ago
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