  • 4
    Crap @root they figured it out
  • 3
    Sorry John. Places to be, people to kill.
  • 2
    @Root Amy Acker is the only person who could ever deliver that line with the right mix levity, crazy, and sencirity
  • 2
    @TheBeardedOne She’s a heroine of mine. GLaDOS, too. And Kaylee.
  • 1
    @Root I've been watching the show again lately and the way my face lit up when I saw Amy Ackers' name appear on the screen...
  • 1
    @TheBeardedOne I really should watch it again. It’s a gem!

    She has to be my favorite character in the show. Though I really do like Shaw too. Heck, they’re all perfectly cast.
  • 0
    @Root ah yes Shaw was very fun indeed. My favourite scene is the one where The Machine has to run simulations faster and faster and instead of actual dialog we get "overt come on" and "cooley delivered sadistic threat"
  • 0
    @TheBeardedOne The chess game? I really liked that one, too. But the queen sacrifice made me sad.
  • 0
    @Root S4E11 "If-Then-Else"
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