Client: "Make it look like Apple's webpage"

Should I run? Or double the price?

  • 44
    Double? That’s still slavery.

    The correct answer is:
    we will be using apple pricing on this contract.
  • 8
    @C0D4 wanted to comment the same for pricing, luckily I'm not alone in that way of thinking :))
  • 26
    Step 1) open apple.com
    Step 2) inspect source code
    Step 3) ctrl+c, ctrl+v
    Step 4) ???
    Step 5) profit
  • 18
    Add a little notch to the top of the page! And slowly remove features each update!
  • 7
    Apple fans like premium, so charge premium :)
  • 1
    Giving my 2 cents but you should charge him every single page in 3 figures
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