Quick burger restaurant (a Belgian burger restaurant much like McDonalds) using raspberry pi for their screen ... Well looks like it doesn't quiet work 😂

  • 11
    If thats you in the reflection it doesnt look like your avatar.
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  • 5
    Isn't this just a boot screen...?
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    @Codex404 Nupe it's my friend XD I'm too small to appear in the reflexion #shortGuyProblems
    If you watch closely, I'm the one holding the phone on the left
  • 3
    @linuxxx I know the quality isn't good but the last line says kernel panic
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    @AdrienNini In that case nevermind me xD
  • 1
    @linuxxx no problem buddy ;)
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    @dontbeevil brace yourself blue screen is coming !
    In Belgium, lots of systems (e.g. advertisement screens, public transports) run on Windows with a lot of blue screens 😂
  • 2
    fucking windows always BSoD fucking unstable system... oh, wait
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    @dontbeevil McDonalds uses Windows in Austria :)
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    The kernel panic hasn't to relate with software bugs. I had this on my first raspberry because I heard radio streams using moc, had a wifi- and usb-stick connected to it.
    The solution was simple: Giving the rPi more than 700mAh for all this stuff. 😉
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    @dontbeevil The problem on windows is that you're not likely to have a low-power device as the rPi for it and every device ever sold to consumers has a oen driver from their company which windows in most cases installs for you in the background.
    It's a great thing to have on windows. But it also means that most bluescreens are the fault of a company that made a shitty or with the windows version incompatible driver for their device.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil The other kernel panic I had was because of the proprietary nvidia-driver.
  • 1
    Quick.. so many childhood memories...

    My grandparents used to live in Antwerp and I used to visit them for a month every summer.

    I loved Quick so much. Was eating there every single week. God-tier chicken wings.
    When I was returning home I was always 5 kg more than I left.
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    @Chlodovechus I'll eat a giant for you the next time ;)
  • 1
    Don't forget to order chicken dips/wings and that lovely milkshake too
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    @Chlodovechus damn I'm hungry now xD well ... Maybe tomorrow after the lessons
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