Just saw a microsoft ad saying:

“Six reasons for switching to SQL Server on Linux“

Well done microsoft...

  • 7
    Should read: Six reasons you should already be using Postgres on linux
  • 1
    When your ads become self-conscious. The wonders of AI.
  • 3
    MS did a pretty good job on the install scripts. We had to evaluate the current state of MS SQL Server under linux and installing SQL Server on Ubuntu was super easy (and I'm not using Linux that often). Have you tried Oracle Database installation on Linux...oh the pain :-( I know...bashing MS brings a lot of ++ but I think competition and having more choices is a good thing.
  • 1
    They are already a huge contributer to the linux kernel, so no wonder... ;)
  • 1
    1) You are currently running SQL Server on Windows.

    Not sure what 2-6 would be.
  • 0
    @ItsNotMyFault I like Linux as much as anyone but SQL server has been running on windows for 20 years. Knowing Microsoft, I'd give them a while before trusting their new software.
  • 1
    I am currently developing a dotnet core app with sql server on Linux and it runs realy smooth! 😁
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