Why do people always start new projects a month before the company closes for Christmas?

I told them how tired I am, plus they know I've just come out of final year computer science degree exams, and at the end of a massive code and infrastructure migration. My brain is absolute paste.

  • 5
    That's deliberate imo. Just to keep you in the office and working and then later creating a LinkedIn post "praising" the team that they worked long and hard during holidays because "Company Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction".
  • 5
    December companies decide who they will fire and which projects will be canned, but also do their finances because the tax year ends. Then they take all their excess revenue and hire new people and start new projects

    It's reshuffling season!
  • 1
    Because they're sick, self-absorbed and don't give a rat's ass about you.
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    @jestdotty yup... they asked me to stay on next year as a full-time employee. Was working half day to complete my degree, so guess I'm not getting canned lmao.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy or some people realise they can get one more thing ticked off their todo list at the expense of another's sanity.
  • 2
    Can be worse. Some of my friends received notices that their contracts will end 1week before christmas. That's why I fucking hate companies. Working on getting a business done and work for me, not companies.
  • 0
    Oh dear, I have so many new meetings for projects next week, it's insane... WTF is wrong with people?!
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