
The catharsis of deleting code that is difficult to read, clashing with the agony of deleting code that was difficult to write.

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    difficult to read

    difficult to write

    difficult to delete

    difficult to update


    probably also difficult to execute
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    pouring one out for the code i wrote when i was tired
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    Very well said! I can feel it :)
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    I notice I write stupid code before my caffeine in the morning…leave important stuff out and kick myself later, I have a habit of commenting stuff out until I’m sure it’s crap and can go
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    @cr8zycatcodr In this case I'm updating more than half of the project built on a haphazard abstraction that used a whatever interface with an indefinitely growing number of methods to discover information about the individual objects.
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    @cr8zycatcodr Turns out composition over inheritance won't save you from downcast hell, it just becomes `_ => abort()` hell.
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    I solve this by writing good code, and deleting my coworker’s keyboard diarrhea.

    I don’t care if it was difficult for them to write because everything is difficult for them, except complaining and taking offense. They’re phenomenal at those.
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    @Root it's not painful to delete someone else's bad code. I'm talking about mine. More specifically, I'm talking about phasing out outdated models when maintaining them is no longer feasible. The most recent memory of the old system at that point would be several weeks of increasingly difficult challenges requiring ever deeper mathematical insight preceding the one question that is blatantly unanswerable and thus makes me realize that the model is wrong.
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    @lorentz Ahh, fair.
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