Yes - I fucking hate xcode too.

These are the main reasons:-

(1) Why the fuck make people go into Terminal to run pod install to build something? this is absurd.

(2) There are always fucking problems with the provisioining profile - like wrong fucking profile, or expired profile - which fuck wit came up with such a convoluted way of deploying? and then you to have to login to the apple develope and agree to some new fucking terms with some other bull shit crap.

(3) Swift 4 is out when nobody has been learnt swift 3.... What the fuck??

Fuck Apple!

  • 5
    Welcome to devRant.
  • 1
    Good rant and welcome 🛠️
  • 2
    Every time I start a project I am like: "THIS TIME I USE XIB FILES, because I want to practice for multiple developers by not doing EVERYTHING on the storyboard" (not to mention the loading issues even with a medium size story board). Then I get reminded that table view controllers do not let you see prototype cells in a XIB file, and end up with everything on the storyboard again. FML
  • 6

    like seriously apple, fuck you. Even as a mostly server side dev i have to put up with your bullshit. Let ME fucking test my shit without NEEDING fucking xcode. FUCK.
  • 1
    (1) Seems like you need to add Pre-actions to your Scheme. It's not intuitive, but it's there.

    (2) Well that does suck, I agree

    (3) don't generalize, I'm sure some people somewhere are happy to get new features. Me? I'm still using Obj-C, thankyouverymuch.

    @D--M you do know you can build and test from CLI? It's really not on-par with CLI tools you know, but it's possible.
  • 1
    be grateful you don't have to work with the slowest, most buggy ass piece of shit ide out there. Behold, Android Studio.
  • 4
    Don't leave out the fact you'd better have a fucking Mac or enough money for cloud builds to work in iOS.

    I'm okay with it now... I've come to terms with the fact xcode is there to fuck with my day... I've learned to speak to the xcode, reason with it.

    Whoever did that needs taking out back and shot like a defective dog though.
  • 1
    fucking love that^^
  • 0
    fuck you apple, xcode is a fucking failure... maybe the biggest failure apple had in the last 50 year. fuck you xcode!
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