  • 7
    edge = IE + Windows 10 + HTML5

    (but it still "contains" IE)
  • 1
    Not "facs", just from experience some standart html5 stuff (yup, I said is has html5) doesn't work on it. Just scroll through codepen and try stuff.

    On Chrome and on Edge.
  • 0
    and welp, I'm a huge windows fan xD I just thought this would have a good place here on devRant
  • 2
    Look I don't particulary like M$, I only use linux at home/work. But why the hate? When I started there was IE6 and fucking Internet Explorer for Mac. Nowadays, Edge is actually pretty cool. Safari is way worse IMO.

    Plus when it comes to CSS, just a little reminder that CSS Grid came out of Edge (not the final specification, but the first proposal, which wasn't that bad).
  • 1
    @Wack Huh, didn't know the second thing. I don't hate Microsoft, I just made a collection of fun things like this. I am a windows user and Edge really has some neat features, though for web designers it's annoying. ^^
  • 3
    For those searching for it:
    Unicode character 'Globe with Meridians'
  • 1
    @avalanche Nobody searched it xD
  • 1
    Man the analogies! I phuqing love them!!
  • 1
    @CorruptComputer Some analogy you've got there.
  • 4
    So fucking true.
  • 1
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