
Hooker ordering software

Project Type
Project idea

Hooker ordering software

An app where you can find escorts around you, filter by services offered - location - age - gender - rates, see their profile which includes all the above. With the click of a button you can tap on “arrange hookup” where you can pay her fees by paypal or card. And your chosen escort will go to wherever you assigned as am address. We can profit from the card transactions and some ads.
Tech Stack
Golang for backend, anything for fromtend
Current Team Size
1 (looking for more)
  • 35
    This will be the first time that "girls in your area are waiting for you" is actually true.
  • 6
    So sleek wants to be the modern day pimp 😏
  • 15
    @C0D4 So to say "Mark Hookerberg"
  • 4
    @possum i think mark is already the hookerberg of the world.
  • 1
    There are way to few places where prostitution is legal for this to be successfull. Unless you want to go the illegal route.
  • 11
  • 3
    This sounds like one of these apps that will very quickly get a bad rep for all sorts of reasons.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce If it is easily accessible to all sorts of low quality hookers then it certainly can get bad rep. Assuming I were to use hooker service it definitely wouldn't be one of those by the road, but rather I would go with country wide well known service that has decent reputation, because... I don't know, they have some selection process or whatever and I would be less likely to get herpes, nor would I have to fuck in a car or some other uncomfortable place. It certainly does not have bad rep, except for it being hookers service and woman not liking it.
  • 2
    I've spent most of the day trying to think of a name for the app.

    The best I've come up with so far is "Hook Me". I guess I'm not a marketing genius
  • 1
    @arraysstartat1 i thought about that, if you subscribe to a premium plan for the app, you can filter “premium” escorts who have been tested for STIs under the supervision of one of us (app agents) and regularly get checkups and anything else that make you feel more confident about that escort. They’d have higher rates of-course. As for the known agencies, they can use the app to post about their escorts but through the app. Kinda like zomato and bitfood do with restaurants🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 0
    @norman70688 thats for hooking up - if you aint rich and hot u wont get to hookup with any hot girls there. But this app is simply business u get whatever u can afford , its a sure thing
  • 3
    I also want blackjack and coke.
  • 2
    Keeping my opinions out, you should probably check for legal problems before trying this.
  • 0
    Hooker maker
  • 0
    Anything for the backend too. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • 2
  • 0
    Let’s do it!
  • 5
    We can also rank the users based on the number of hookers they have been with. For eg: beginner, intermediate, pro.
  • 2
    A pimp named SlickBack.
  • 1
    @NoMad if 2 hookers reported the customer abused them his account is blocked. Accounts can be based on phone numbers so that creating several would be too much of a hassle.
  • 0
    @sleek That could be 2 hookers who are brutally beaten and raped before anything happens. And if someone wants to continue that trend, and escape conviction, they'd just grab a load of cheap phones & sims and keep ploughing through.
  • 1
    yeah no
  • 0
    I can work any layer you need, I had a similar idea but faced some questions and I hope you already figured them out:

    - How are you gonna get the initial escorts crew?
    - is it nationwide or where do we start?
    - what about being illegal and the fear of been caught as a pimp
    - If you want a mobile app, iOS does not allow that type of content and pretty sure neither android.
    - what about the marketing strategies and expansion?
    - do we have a budget to hire a layer thinking in advance of the legal issues we will face?

    If you have real strategies and not only an idea flying, ping me out.
  • 0
    Only smart hookers will know how to side-load on iOS and install an APK on Android without having to interact with either app store providers.

    Tbh those are the kind of hookers that'll rake you in the most money to which you can both equally profit without fault 😏

    Hookers can be male/female btw, we live in a world now that services such as this run universal.
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