
Tf is up with google search? Like yeah it got worse and worse over the years but since the last few months it's actually unusable?

I was able to find everything I always found this one forum answer I needed, on page one.

Now it just grabs every single word and shows me where some of them match. What the fuck?

Same for duckduckgo btw.

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    Just u lil bro
  • 4
    @b2plane why so hostile?
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    @nitwhiz got taught to be that way by the master himself - life
  • 2
    @b2plane wtf?
    You have an internet connection and time/capability to chat in a niche forum with developers. Our lives are pretty easy compared to what they could be.
    So who is that life you're talking about, because I know her too, and she's chill.
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    @nitwhiz u will never understand the mind of a person who has no other choice in life but to fight to escape the matrix even at the expense of death. Until then, if u have no higher ambitions in life other than to just sit 24/7 in an office chair and work a 9-5 till you die, and you're content with that, you will wonder why my mindset does not align with that lifestyle. You may think we're privileged and have it "easy" by sitting at a desk all day compared to other jobs. But for others, even if they like doing that job and field, is a nightmare. A living hell. Working 8h+ a day to make someone else a wealthier multi millionaire, helping him to retire 100 of his generations, while you get just enough to eat, pay bills, your family suffers and your next generations continue to suffer due to you failing to give them an opportunity to be born in wealth. Being born in poverty will 95% increase the chances of your kids to live and die in the same poverty, unless a miracle happens

    Know this
  • 5
    @b2plane just get a different job? Found your own company and let others work for you?

    I don't get it. You're taking all the time to write this up but you don't change shit about it. You're bathing in your own tears and you like it. Get over yourself.
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    @b2plane is that image of a fictional war scene supposed to do something with me?
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    @nitwhiz thats what im doing. But its hard to do it alone. I have no partner. Nobody wants to start a company with you. Everyone just asks how much u pay me. I have to do it all alone. Until then i need some money to live by working a job
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    @b2plane yeah of course it's not easy. But it's doable. Either be happy with what you have and adjust or get what you want.
    Saying things are shit isn't changing anything.
    Just like my rant. It's not changing anything whatsoever. But I'm taking action, as I have to search for stuff, and look stuff up elsewhere.
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    @nitwhiz im also taking action
  • -1
    @b2plane boo-fucking-hoo Nobody wants to start a company with you. Get rekt fam. Yes, we want to dry your money up by taking all of it you corpo-slave asshat and leave you alone with no money in ur hands.
  • 5
    I saw a video from the 80s (somewhere on youtube) that talked about companies purposely damaging products to achieve some end. I think the idea was to create anxiety in the population in a subtle way so people would accept sketchy solutions. A sort of "anything is better than this" manipulation.

    I have had that in the back of my head and watched as companies make shittier and shittier things. No doubt this will occur in the tech fields. But they had to do this slow or someone will just build a replacement. I am pretty sure Google is so full of themselves they think they can get away with this. Maybe they can. Users are stupid.

    This is another reason why I think we will see competing systems of living in the future. Maybe people will create a less shitty web. Or eschew tech like the Amish. It is pretty obvious the web devs here don't like the tech we have. Maybe this is why we see new frameworks. Desperate to change the shitty situation.
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    @Demolishun competition can thrive and fix the broken mess unless regulations / government collusion happens

    If laws touch tech then it becomes a who is in with the government problem

    Another consideration is competition can only be possible if the people making competing products will be paid and can live off that. Tech being all free means investor money is how they live, which might be a bit problematic for those without the option to make free software

    Then you have the "reach" problem; if search results and news and forums are impossible to advertise on you won't be discovered, though word of mouth still works and can blast through this on occasion, but most developers of tech don't consider this problem at all I think or oddly enough even the layperson user πŸ€”
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    even worse when it only grabs every other word and strikes out the other ones stating that half of the query is "missing" in a top 3 "result"

    if we can't rely on search results anymore

    and we can't rely on AI anyway

    we will have to use our brains

    and books and real life talks and training

    like tech finally force us back to pre-tech times
  • 3
    > search results are worse
    > users spent more time on search because they can't find good results
    > engagement metrics are up
    > stonks.webp

    Ad-tech goes brrrrrrr
  • 2
    @saucyatom thanks for adding that! bad UX leads to increased engagement and that's a typical KI due to the advertisement industry.

    Someone said it's like measuring people having fun at the beach by the number of people in the water, so lifeguards will start throwing random people into the water.
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    @saucyatom i went full chatgpt tbh..
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    Just pay for https://kagi.com and chill😎😎😎

    Been using it for a few months and can't complain.

    Sad that we need to pay for good search, but it's worth it for me, as I search so much.
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