all those quantum posts

I still use and love chrome.
and Monument sometimes

  • 12
    fun fact. This post was written on a schools computer. Using Firefox. The old one. FUUUU
  • 8
    Chrome is google's own spyware. No thanks
  • 4
    I rather use IE than chrome or chromium.
    Chromium is basically the same shit as non-alcoholic beer - you still want to drink beer even if you hate alcohol. So therefore you buy fake shit.
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    Or coca cola zero
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    IE and Edge are not the same thing lol
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    @Linux I get ur argumentation, if I was a privacy guy, I'd go with firefox, too, and ofc be happy about a new and faster firefox.
    But I myself have lots of browsers. And for webcoding stuff I just love chrome, any webdesigner/developer loves chrome! If I do stuff which I don't want google to know, I go with Tor, too ^^
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    I am involved in Tor actually :)
  • 0
    @Linux oh, cool :D
    do you think Tor'll get a Quantum update? xD
  • 2
    You can use any browser over Tor, just connect it to the socks5
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    I'm fine enough with Chromium from time to time, Chrome - hell nope! And the difference is about not noticeable (at least for me)
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    @linuxxx chrome has more colors.
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    @theCalcaholic That's true xD. I value my privacy over some more colours though :P
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    @linuxxx You obviously need to check your priorities!
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    @theCalcaholic Haha, nah I'm all good :P
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    @linuxxx Im just joking. ;D
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    @theCalcaholic And I'm just tagging along :D
  • 4
    @linuxxx This might be a bit off topic... I think you would've loved my university (well, the CS department to be precise). Everything is done on Linux per default (especially all PC pools have mainly Linux installed). We (the students) organize a Linux install party and a gpg key signing/creation party for new students during the introduction week.

    Every student gets a free account for student hosted services like owncloud, jabber (secure open source chat), sogo (open source calendar backend), mumble, redmine (FOSS project management web app), and a few more to give them free alternatives to proprietary software.

    On my own introduction week the students made us believe that they had surveilled our movement (by pretending something was stolen and acting like tracking the thief down from the movement logs) and started a privacy talk and debate.

    And so on... 😋
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    @theCalcaholic Awesome! Which country?
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