@Gerrymandered recently posted a rant, https://devrant.com/rants/1003724/..., and his reasons, which I won't really go into much, are completely legitimate.

We were talking in class and he was getting annoyed with people hating others for actually trying to defend the different flavors or Operating Systems. I've gone into it once or twice, but I feel the need to again. I'm actually going to be blunt this time, unlike my last one:

Linux has its niche. If you like it, then it usually works.
Windows has its niche. Businesses ***typically*** choose it first (with few exceptions, @linuxxx don't even bother coming in here to defend Linux. Love ya and all, but you really piss me off sometimes. Just saying.)
macOS has its niche. If you're a designer, try it. You might be surprised.

Can people shut the fuck up with the constant bashing of every single OS in existence with a focus seemingly on Windows? We get it, the dev community LOOOOOOOOOOVES to fucking hate Windows. Who doesn't? It can be broken as hell, but for a lot of purposes, it works. If I want to use Windows, then let me, and if you complain that because I'm a techie or anything that I can't use it, please go fuck yourself with a moldy rusty fork left out in a hurricane 20 years ago.

That is all.

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    @linuxxx Not to be a dick and call you out, but you're prominent and you came to mind
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    Thank You.
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    It's Beos 5.03, come on 😄
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    @nbamaral @Alice have either of you two used IBM OS/2 Warp 4?
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    Not taking offense in the fact that I piss off people sometimes with my opinions. I've got some strong opinions and I'll continue to tell those when getting into discussions.

    The fact that I piss off some people means that I'm clear enough :)

    There's one thing that people don't understand still, I won't tell it here but if you that my love for Linux and disliking for osx and windows is specifically because I love Linux, you're understanding it wrong.
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    @linuxxx Nah, we know you hate Windows and macOS (Not OS X anymore :3) because of a combination of factors, including but not limited to business practices
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    @Rekonnect Yeah...? Literally The only thing about the why was that its not 'because I love linux'. What you're saying is true, I didn't clame otherwise?
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    Ahahah, I so old I even used GEM.
    That's why I don't care much about this questions about using Linux or not, I used it first so long ago (23 years maybe, it was version 1.0.xx).
    I don't care about distros, flavors, either. Still butt hurt with the gtk vs qt from the day. Not using pulseaudio, systemd, Wayland or even grub on my own gear.😄
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    In the old days it was atari vs amiga 😝 OS war, OS war never changes.
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