At a mobile developer desk:

- 1 PC
- 1 Mac (for iOS Build)
- 2 Android phones and one tablet
- iPhone, iPad
- a lot of cables, too many of them

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    and some Colleague's phone, just for another test case
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    At a Junior Devoplers Desk:

    - 3 notepads for 3 times the note taking ability.
    - 2 pairs of headphones to listen to music and the other pair in case one fails/gets lost.
    - 1 telecommunications device, my manager calls it a phone but it doesn't fit in my pocket so i think he lyin, that I don't know how to use.
    - 5 cups, 1 for each day of the week because i need a clean up every day and in my office you have to fight for the good cups, so I stockpile.
    - 4 stacks of post-its, which are not used for note taking but are used to screw up into balls and throw across the room at the finance team.
    - and some biscuits
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    At a student’s, learning development, desk...
    1 laptop
    1 phone
    1 speaker with sub woofer ( optional )
    1 external hard drive
    4 usb drives ( 😂 )
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    @LiamHolmes Spot on for me.

    Except for the Post-Its. Finance is on another floor :|
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    @BrokeTheInteger I've been told to stop now because one of the post-its I threw at the hungover Finance Girl missed and hit the Finance Director directly in the face... oops.
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    I've been using adb over WiFi to do things like push builds to my Android devices, just so I can cut down on the fuss of swapping out cables.
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    At a senior devs desk:

    1) x1 handgun for readily available suicide
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