hey yahoo why don't you just go fuck yourself

you literally can't make this stuff up

2024: year of the fever dream

  • 1
    I can sign in.

    jk, I don't have an account. They being hacked or something?
  • 2
    Maybe VPN related
  • 6
    "In order to protect you from malicious users we allow malicious users to lock you out from your account"
  • 5
    Why are you using yahoo?
    Why is it not dead?
  • 1
    @ars1 because a bunch of yay-whos are still using it.
  • 1
    Every BT(british Telecom) user has one Yahoo Account or at least it was so around 2010. Don't know how it is currently.
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    Windows does the same thing. 🤡🤡
  • 2
    I was genuinely unaware that yahoo is still alive and there are people still using it in 2024

  • 1
    @Lensflare ive asked numerous companies (including anywhere i bank) if they could stop doing anything "for your protection" related to my accounts... even offering to sign an indemnification doc (which id happily provide)... the vast majority won't allow it.

    I have a history in cybersecurity, deep enough that it'd be unwise to be publicly specific. Nearly all of these 'improved' security measures are literally counterproductive:

    Ex.- Passwords must be # long and contain x, y, z... = easier to hack.

    More criteria just means you know how to set the regex for the increased probability of the first letter being capitalised, a 1-2 digit int most likely at the end(then beginning, then $, @or4, 3, 0, 1 for a dictionary word subbing s, a, e, o and i or l), plus !, ?, $, @, #, in order of probability.

    Or the really unique ones, normally created in illogical paranoia... you just need to find the text file where they recorded them all, which ofc will have been frequently/recently accessed.
  • 2
    @netikras i have a regular contractor (skilled trade/construction-esq) that has a (poorly done) website that lists their, still currently used, business email as <business_name>@yahoo.com i even offered to fix and host it myself... they just are used to it.

    That said, i have a few yahoo accounts. All were created in the late 90s/early 00s and are either for spam or connected to some important thing that shouldn't be innately connected to other contact means

    Ex. One is connected to an alibaba account that i made/still use, from before i was 18 so it's in a friend's name... its primarily for recurring transactions, some from 16± yrs ago. Since i was helping small businesses source/do logistics for overseas purchases since ~14... and couldnt make an acc as a minor.
  • 0
    @awesomeest yup, I agree with all of that.
  • 1
    @Lensflare ive had an amusing recurrence of explaining the logical fallacy of bank cards with chips and 2fa...

    Security chips in cards = i could easily/literally create a dev in 30min from an arduino and a small chip(nfc/rfid) reader and use my smart ring (just basic af nfc chips i use in lieu of a screen lock) then walk past anyone in line at a store, scan/copy/write to ring the info... then use a blank piece of plastic for show while having the nfc info caught by the machine... no one would expect anything. Even a dispute would just result in a 'user error' fix.

    2fa = that person has the 2fa app in a quick access spot and worse security cuz they "feel" it's more secure.
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    @awesomeest regarding illogical paranoia:
    A friend of mine had to generate random codes for some company. And he was convinced that he should throw away the ones which differ by just one character compared to some other code in the list.
    He would argue that the code would be easy to guess then, which is afaik wrong.

    I think those stupid password and security rules are the result of similar misconceptions.
  • 1
    @Lensflare random is an innate misnomer. Im autistic and tend towards being highly specific... also know tons of languages so it really annoys me. There's not a simple/known to commoners word for 'so unique/different that it's practically random'.

    Im insanely good at pattern recognition, on such a base level that i often dont consciously recognise it.
    im not sure if you know of the original game show "press your luck" (aka 'whammy'). There was a guy who recorded(vhs) all the episodes and spent a large portion of his life cracking the pattern, when all producers had no concept of it having a pattern at all. Then got on the show... as a kid i had game show reruns on while doing other shit(undiagnosed autism/severe adhd).
    I found out about the guy who cracked it due to a question i asked my mother(still in denial of any not "normal" aspects of me), as to why people seemed so surprised with the results.

    I'm pretty sure im adept in cybersecurity just to be less annoyed by this crap.
  • 1
    forget the haters in this thread; it was (up until yesterday) a great burner email account
  • 2
    It had to be you posting this, @fullstackcircus
    Even for a burner, account
    Might aswell use pastebin for banking
    Good lawd, please relieve my sides X"""D
  • 4
    The life choices some people waste their time with
    Absolutely hilarious
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