Worlds most USELESS product

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    For you, specially if you can afford it
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    Tablets with pen input are actually really useful for mind storming, planning, idea sketching etc. as they allow you to have an infinite canvas
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    one can rather buy a small sized, even more powerful notebook/ultrabook than a tablet
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    @jalebiBhai You may as well put a few more $ and just outright buy an actual laptop if that is what you are getting, you are aware people that buy other brands aside from the big ones right? and those tablets that pretty much has the same specs as them only cost around $150-200 usually, right? Its touch and the batery can last longer depending of what you are using for, there are people that use them as video watching or reading devices and so on
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    my point is, people generally buy it for the things they do on mobile and that is what a tablet is upto. There are people i know, have no mobile but tablet. And fuckin use it for calling
    why buy it then ? Because bigger screen ?...
    If you are just using it as mobile just buy a mobile. If you want more, buy a cheap laptop.
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    You cannot carry tablet like you can carry a mobile phone. Also many apps just dont work on tablets
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    @jalebiBhai is their money and what they do doesnt affect people overall, not need to get angry about such things if its not affecting directly people how they spend their money at the end
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    Yeah? What about the Microsoft Surface Tablets? Still shit? Well FUCK YOU
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    @Mizz141 SHIT, if it was tablet. UNFORTUNATELY, it is ultrabook
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    @legionfrontier its upto them how they want to spend their money. But it kick right into brain, when i see someone calling on tablets, or using facebook, checking instagram pictures
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    @jalebiBhai I know, I have see them do so in the streets too calling with their fucknormous thingy in the street, dont bother though most people usually at least snear at the view of what they are doing
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    It has some usecases but its just too overhyped.
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