I will just leave this here !

  • 2
    @Alice Well curiosity is a stranage thing ! 😜
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    @IllSlapU Dude this stuff goes well beyond techies !

    And a lot of us do know how to talk to women .. Secret is, consider them as just people 😛 (quoting GRR Martin here )
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  • 1
    I'm really confused by this... I'd be happy if I ever met a girl... 🙁
  • 0
    @olback aren't most Sweedish women really pretty? Pretty sure there must be some really nice ones around there!!
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    @AleCx04 Pretty women are not the problem, sure lots of them around. But one of them has to like me as well. It's not exactly a one-way thing.
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    I only want to try my wife, as I only want to try Debian
  • 4
    @olback it can be. This is what you do
    1. Go to the store
    2. Buy yourself a gallon of manTheFuckUp
    3. Gulp that motherfucker down, all of it.
    4. Talk to women, they don't bite, and when they do its normally a good thing.
    5. Profit

    Source: i drank that shit.

    Peace homie.
  • 0
    True but I wish I knew just one.
    While we're at it, is there any dating app for us?
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    @Alice my gf is openbsd, so maybe - they're the same thing right?
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    @Ashkin Don't be sad. It was supposed to be funny 😶
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    @olback You'll get ur way around someday mate ! Everybody does 😛
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    @vibsel Wildest dreams 😂
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    @softyCat Let's make a devDate 😜
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    @Linux You found the distro that suits you ! (ya ya bad metaphor 😅)
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    @TomRiddle Sad? No.
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    @Alice @Ashkin Well it's my bad I didn't think of it as annoying to women ! (Not my strong forte here 😅)
    You can always serve a sweet revenge though 😛 (do mention me if u do so !)
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    @Alice @Ashkin why are you annoyed? This is more offensive to men than it is to women. It's not women that are getting generalised here
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    It is not actually.
    You are saying that all men want to fuck around with alot of women. I hate that
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    @Linux That's not what I am saying. It's what the picture says. Trust me, I hate that as well, since I'm not at all like that
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    @Alice @aaxa @Linux Most men aren't actually like that ! Isn't it just about enjoying humour without taking it down to sexism road !...
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    @TomRiddle You're completely right
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    @TomRiddle it's needed, true. But let's first douse the burning fire of the earlier comments - I'd say, we really lack the sense of humor.
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    Umm... no... just no...
    I like to be with just one person... my significant other ❤️❤️🤗🤗

    If and when that time comes though...
    I’ll keep my hopes up... 😊😊😊

    I understand it was a joke but... no... not this type of joke anymore... makes me feel like a bad person 😔
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