
Your guide to passive-aggressive false apologies:

- I’m sorry you’re so sensitive
- I’m sorry that you think I did something wrong
- I’m sorry if you’re mad
- I’m sorry that you made me do it
- I’m sorry you feel that way

And, my most favorite:

- I’m sorry that you’re making such a big deal out of this.

  • 1
    Thanks. I'll make sure to use these.
  • 3
    Good. Now I can finally relax, knowing some people just DGAF since I have heard most of these directed to me.
  • 5
    Honestly this type of shit gets me in violence mode
  • 2
    When I’ve received these kind of messages, I just reflect right back.
    Awh, I’m sorry, you feel the need to use such disingenuous statement, you must feel great about yourself.

    Gotta fight fire with fire.
    and when it leads to another similar reply, just smile and say thanks then leave 😁
  • 3
    Textbook emotional manipulation: I'm sorry *YOURE* x
  • 0
    And when they come running for retaliation, you just disarm by saying “tell me, deep down, what is that’s truly nagging at you?”
    If violent, try going for a hug. May need to disarming by grabbing and pushing elbow joints. Remember to stand a bit sideways to guard from kicks or knees in the nuts.
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    @lotd my microtech goes click-click
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    @kiki tell me, what is truly bothering you ? :)
  • 1
    "You're not really sorry, but you will be soon" *wink*

    that should creep them out
  • 0
    thanks. Saved this XD
  • 2
    Sounds like y'all choose violence

    Life is easier when you take responsibility rather than get pissed that others don't want to conform to your random arbitrary things

    And then passive aggressively try to trigger them, lol how adult. Truly paragons we should all follow. Instead of making things better let's choose violence, instead of understanding people let's change them, and if they don't want to be let's hammer them over the head and call it empathy when it's just abuse
  • 0
    Effective listening skills:

    When you say you're sorry I want to take a garden hose and slap you with it.

    When you say you were unaware of the deadline after I did your work for you I want to call your spouse and tell them to get a virus check.

    When you say you're sorry I'm having to pick up your work so you can leave early for a false appointment I want to destroy your backups so I can laugh about it tomorrow.
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