
Just found out there is a "Hooker City" in Oklahoma.
How you ask?

Was testing for this weather app and expecting it to return "Location not found" but it returned the weather when entering "Hooker".

  • 19
    Now, why would you pick that word to test, that is my concern.... :)
  • 9
    Ok don't keep the rest as secrets. Tell us all the words you tested and all the cities you found.
  • 9
    There's a Hell (I think it's in Virginia).
    There's Accident in Maryland
    Intercourse in Pennsylvania.
    Embarrass in Minnesota.
    Moral of the story is someone sucked at naming cities.
  • 3
    @sinisas haha! you got me. :D
  • 2
    @jhh2450 ohhw! This is awesome :D Thanks!
  • 5
    @mrlinnth It started with "booker" then "hooker" and ended up in devrant.
  • 7
    In Finland there's quite funny places as well i.e.
    - Paskajärvi = Shitlake
    - Nahkahousut = Leatherpants (this is an island :D)
    - Ämmänperse = Bitch's ass

    So yes...retarded people naming places and lakes
  • 3
    That's how you travel the developer way.
  • 6
    @okkimus @jhh2450 🤔 I don't think those people were retarded or stupid. More like trollers. No?

    Hi sir, what shall we name this island sir?

    This fucking LEATHER PANTS is itching my ass.

    Well noted sir.
  • 4
    Well WE have Fucking in Austria :)
  • 2
    We also have a Hell in Norway. The weirdest place name here is a single letter long: Å.
  • 2
    @dsteiner seriously "Fucking"? ... lol
  • 4
    @Pramesh See the screenshot.
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