
I don't know why some people hate PHP, I mean maybe there are some stuff that may annoy you but personally I think it's cool language.

  • 3
    I generally have a dislike for languages where I have to check whether a function returns null, false or a String.
  • 4
    Why does PHP get so much hate?

    Look up "why ___ sucks" for every language. Compare results.
  • 2
    You said *some people*,,, so nothing special

    As @Ashkin said, you can do fill the gap " why do some people hate .... " searches

    Whatever. I think you got my point
  • 2
    I know why some people hate PHP
    I also know why some people hate C++
    I also know why some people hate Java
    I also know why some people hate JS
    I also know why some people hate Python
    I also know why some people hate Rust
    I also know why some people hate Swift
    I also... Well, you get the point

    People just like to shit on other things, it's a form of cognitive bias (my fav X is the best and everything else sucks)

    For the lazy unknowing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
  • 3
    I normally try to give every tool a chance before making a decission. I have yet to find something that I dislike since I generally see the best in everything and that is comming from someone that coded in classic ASP and Delphi...and loved every minute of it. I think we can learn from everything if we really open our eyes to it. Php and Classic ASP gave me a good understanding on how a lot of things work by building them by hand such as authentication, form security, db integration etc, principles that are given for granted in other tools. There is one environment that I dislike and it is cpp, not because I think it sucks, I think it is a great and powerful language! But because I suck at it, in which case I blame myself. There is also overal hatred, which in my case is with css, I cannot stand it, but greatly reapect those that build magic with it.
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