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    Abra Cadata
  • 13
    In Some cases its good idee to start with designing your interface based on the business requirements. By using that approach you can better understand what logic is required and what data.

    This will give you the option to minimize the amount of logic needed to fetch or call data based on what the user interface requirers and not how the data is mapped.
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    Very good, you explained it better than i understood @SionX
  • 1
    Also you should use dependency inversion to flip the domain logic dependency on the data. Instead the data should depend on the logic, through interfaces.
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    It' like a magic formula in Italian @dontPanic
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    No one gives a single crap about how things like laptops actually do work. I'd be surprised if they didn't think it was magic.

    Usually the best explanation I can get is some matrix stuff.

    "Whenever you press the screen, 1s and 0s get transmitted to the codegramming that tells the computer what to do"
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