
If someone asks me how I spent my 30s, I'll be like "oh, I waited for the Docker to build"

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    seems your build process sucks then
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    @tosensei I'm just following the README for building some libraries 🤷‍♀️
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    Docker offers a lot of techniques to make builds faster, and I can't decide if that's a good thing.
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    @lorentz I'm still waiting for a fast way to build MLPack and OpenCV....
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    @NickyBones a beefy remore build server?
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    @netikras I need to compile it for ARM...so I just do it on the target platform. I really don't feel like setting up the cross-compilation for all these libs :(
  • 5
    Ah getting C or C++ to build...

    I recently tried using nix for this exact purpose which seems a lot simpler to use than an entire container so honestly I wanna get more into it.

    I didn't get it to build btw, I was trying to use packages from the unstable nixpkgs so I shouldn't be too surprised that it didn't find standard library headers, oh well
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    Can't defeat build times...

    Just multitask during the build.
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    @kanyewest Yes, I watch cat videos.
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    @tosensei You're a type of retard who never worked on a big project it seems
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    @kanyewest depends on what you define as "big project" - does "two million active users" count?

    i bet it doesn't - i bet your personal definition is "whatever i say plus one".

    also: it's "you're THE type of retard"
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    @tosensei proved my point, retard.
  • 4
    @kanyewest @tosensei Comrades, no need to fight, there are enough bugs for all of us <3
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    @kanyewest please elaborate how, or stfu.
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    Your builds take that long?

    Mines waiting in tests in pipeline to pass
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    Oblivious retard thinks build process is the only reason build time is slow.

    Then in the context of build time, when referred to working on a big project, says "2 mIllIon AcTivE uSers".

    My god.

    Kill yourself already.
  • 4
    god damn, I'm glad I rarely post something interesting enough for these two to both open it
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    @kanyewest to repeat the part of my post you either

    1) deliberately chose to ignore because you are just a dumbass


    2) didn't understand because you're actually clinically retarded:

    "depends on what you define as big project".

    i just provided one arbitrary metric as example, while leaving space for you to provide what YOU use as metric for a "big project".

    you haven't yet provided any insight about what, to you, defines a "big project"..

    dude - is such a thing as "subhuman" existed - it'd be you.
  • 3
    @MammaNeedHummus It's a few C++ libraries that are pretty slow to build yes, and I'm building on the target platform (ARM Cortex board) because I don't want to cross-compile and the platform is pretty slow.

    If you ever want to test your patience, try building OpenCV with all flags=ON on a Jetson.
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    @NickyBones cross compiling seems immensly annoying with C++ and cmake, haven't done it much myself but I'll have to soon...

    as I said I've been playing around with nix and making a dev environment with it was fairly nice and apparently cross compiling should be somewhat easier, though I haven't tried it myself.

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    @LotsOfCaffeine I'm tempted to give it a try just because Nix is my nickname :)

    But my advisor tells me to stop messing around and start writing my thesis
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    @NickyBones I mean that's fair, it's kinda what advisors are for

    then again PhD thesis' in our field go on for years.

    A colleague I know worked multiple years on his and then the university needed another 8 months or so to actually finalize everything and give him the title even after he handed in the documents and had the colloquium

    I won't lie it did kind of make me want to go to uni again, I only got my bachelors, but I honestly don't know if I have the desire to sit in lectures that don't really interest me again just to get a Masters degree that won't do too much for my career. I am getting good bonuses and got a raise without it as well.
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    @NickyBones build over night while asleep.
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    @max19931 There were build errors :(

    And I build on the target hardware which is on a robot in the lab....
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    @max19931 why not just use the parts required and dump the rest of openCV? Opencv is a mess and hard to work with anyway.

    Compile for arm cortex for opencv should be build already as more and more of the Smartphones get used for it or at least their Chips as they are cheap and massive in supply.
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    @max19931 Yes, ROS.... I'm really not interested in creating a custom OpenCV version for each paper I write...and also this needs to be easily reproducible by other researchers. Better use something standard.

    I prefer to build OpenCV on edge devices so I can control what exactly I want to have there. I doubt I'll find ARM binaries that are so specific....
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