
Yay my christmas present has arrived 😁

  • 3
    Wow! Whatcha going to build?
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    @coolq anything and everything ☺
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    @Dimmerworld I got a basic arduino uno starter kit with the 37 sensor starter kit and then various other bits and bobs like a breakout board for my rpi and the rfid kit. The multimeter and soldering kit I bought separately. I got these from a local supplier but they are available from pretty much any online retailer
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    @Dimmerworld around $80 for the components and $40 for the soldering kit and multimeter. The starter kit without the 37 additional sensors is around $40
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    @kurtr I got the starter kit and the sensor pack as well :D
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    @404response it's pretty rad, made anything interesting yet?
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    @kurtr it was delivered two days ago. I am making a snake game using the led matrix and the joystick, don't know what to do after that but there are so many cool things to do with this set 😄
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    Modules are nice and easy, but I prefer making my own circuits and PCB's.
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    @JFK422 Isn't that expensive? It takes me 10-20 module and breadboard setups before I actually turn the concept to a PCB. If I worked directly from design to PCB it would just be a waste of time and money...
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    2$ For 5 PCB's is very cheap. And its clean + exactly what I want.
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    Can't see any rfid chip including component on the table.
    DROP table;
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    @gitpull in the packet top left corner lol
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    I got that exact set for my birthday 😁
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    Some assembly required.
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    Can you program assembly with that?
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    @JFK422 Do you send a design and they provide you with a PCB? Do you etch them yourself? Do you have a CNC machine? I never heard of an offer of 40cents per PCB in my life!! How?
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    @cyberlord64 I design them online on EasyEDA and have them produced by jlcPCB. Site: https://jlcpcb.com/
  • 1
    So first up we have a light theramin that only plays sounds in the c scale while displaying their frequency 😁
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