
Sacrificing mental health working a corporate 9 5 job in this industry for 8$ an hour is absolutely not worth it I'd rather kill myself than live like this. The only power that was pushing me to continue working this shithole industry was to buy a car at least on leasing but now that i finally reached that point to be able to afford it on leasing the health price i had to pay for that has caused so many new problems that its not worth at all to fucking continue.

  • 0
    soooo.... why are you living like this?
  • 4
    @tosensei just don't be poor. join the socialist party and they'll pay for everything for ya
  • 2
    A friend of mine says I was a more interesting person before buying my car, when I would go everywhere on bicycle. Now I am boring.
  • 0
    @tosensei im born in a poor family
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    @b2plane i'm just asking, because you wrote "i'd rather kill myself than live like this" - yet apparently, you live like this.
  • 0
    Oh the drama
  • 0
    @tosensei i live like this for the sole reason of still having belief there is a way out of this dark tunnel. If this tunnel gets sealed and i for a fact know there is no where else to go outside of this darkness, no option to dig the ground or drill the walls of the tunnel, thats when i lose all belief and kms is the best option
  • 0
    OP going nuts 'bout their raise
  • 0
    @kobenz no salary under 8333$ month will satisfy me
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