
So. A while ago I was on OkCupid, trying to find the Pierre to my Marie Curie (without the whole brain getting crushed under a horse carriage wheel obviously) and I decided the best way was to have my profile lead with my passion for technology. It turned out pretty unique, if I do say so myself.

At the end of it, I amassed some interesting and unique messages:

- A Java pickup line (that I never responded to. Yes I'm a very basic Devranter)

- A request to turn the man's software into hardware (to which I politely informed him that this was scientifically impossible unless a reader proves me wrong)

- Another impossible request to turn his floppy disk into a hard drive (how outdated too, why not HDD to SSD for faster speed amirite? That was awful don't mind me)

- A sincere request to help troubleshoot a laptop (Honestly I would've helped with help requests but this is a dating site...)

- A sincere request to help debug a student project followed with a link to a GitHub repo

- Another sincere request with studying for a computer exam

- And lastly, my favourite: a sincere job offer by a guy who went from flirtatious to desperate for a programmer in a minute. He was looking for *insert python, big data, buzzwords here* and asked me for a LinkedIn. I proceeded to inquire exactly what he wanted me to do. He then asks me to WRITE a Python tutorial and that he would pay a few cents per word written so he could publish it. Literally no programming involved.

Needless to say I went to look elsewhere.

  • 4
    I've tried those sites before. Was always the same women on it (for a year) and pretty hard to get a response.

    Never want to go back to those days o.O
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    Cloud is all about hardware defined in software. it is possible to make hw with software.
    Yeah I know right?!
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    Im thinking of making my own dating site/app. A social dating thing, where you can create an account for yourself and give friends certain rights to manage your account and help looking. No stupid algorithms that just don't want to work, no data hoarding and analyzing. Just something which does what it has to and nothing more.
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    @Alice might be, but in my opinion the current dating sites are shit, I don't want one night stands and if I get people on the app I could find my future wife there xD.
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    I met my wife on okcupid. Good people interested in real connections are there.
  • 5
    I met my wife on irc. Boy I feel old.
  • 5
    Debug request on a dating site. That guy must be in pain.
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    Ahahah i'm really sorry but it's a great rant :D
  • 9
    I wish someone created a dating app for developers
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    @ameware make a feature request on the devrant github to add the functionality in here (or just write in your bio, what you're looking for and hope for the best :P)
  • 6
    @Wack that would mean ruining devrant 🤔
    just thought that having something like that might help avoid the weird "what are you doing on your laptop all day? / fix the printer" convo in the future
    (yes, that happened to me)
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    @ameware true. On the other hand it would lead to new fights, like OS, IDE, indentation, software stack and so on :P
  • 7
    @Wack I'd take that over "you love your computer more than me" all day 😂
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    @ameware had that in my last relationship to. She even warned my current girlfriend about it :P
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    You guys get the analogies... Or perhaps my mind is uhm....
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    Verilog and VHDL are languages where you define hardware in software so kinda of close?
  • 6
    OkCupid seems to be one of the better free dating sites. It wouldn't surprise me if everyone and their brother is just trying desperately to get into women's pants, but while I was on OKC a few years ago I met this wonderful woman. She put up with all of my goofiness, quirks, and my baggage/bullshit so I married her. Now we're expecting our first child in January! OkCupid isn't 100 percent horrible 😏
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    @JonnyCodewalker wow nobody gets the reference to HIS software and his hardware... Its a reference to his genitals xD
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    @JonnyCodewalker ok good I was surprised that everyone acted they didnt
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    I don't like dating site because I am fate and ugly. I don't need a constant reminder for that.
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    @ameware lol a dick pic sending machine with source control... Could work I guess.
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    @codePatrol ugh, definitely not what I meant
  • 3
    Is this what popularity feels like? And among peers that I actually respect a lot? I'm gonna cry, thank you everybody.
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    oh la la...
    Ladies ;) :DDD
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    People, what a bunch of bastards
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    @ameware Same. Seems to be quite a few of us that would actually use it...geolocation seems to be an issue tho...
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