
My hot blonde gf wants to buy some stupid fucking versace sunglasses that cost 310$. Shes broke as fuck and doesnt have that much money

So to make it easier for her i offered to be her bank. I will pay the whole 310$ right now with my own money and she has to pay me back in maximum 6 months that money + interest. I charge her 60$ a month and she agreed

Good feeling knowing im coming over to my hot blonde gf crib, get my dick sucked fuck her hard AND get paid for it

I've almost completed life

Only thing left is to get mega rich

Nothing personal just business

Im a fucking businessman

  • 11
    Charge interest to family? That's fucked
  • 10
    so you're not just rectally challenged, AND accompanied by imaginary friends - you also are the kind of capitalist asshole that makes society bad and unlivable.

    damn you're awful.
  • 0
    @tosensei i will also be ur worst fucking nightmare of a boss
  • 3
    @b2plane i doubt it. we're not hiring any dicktwiddling-middle managers now, or in the forseeable future, and i'm pretty sure you wouldn't qualify for any other position.
  • 2

    "family" who said she would NEVER help me financially if i ever hit rock bottom in life?

    "family" who said "i dont finance men", meaning she would never help me in the same way or buy any gift for me?

    "family" who has an extreme materialistic and feministic view of the world?

    And im supposed to fully financially support her?

    Fuck off.

    You'll have to find another beta male provider cuckold to do this

    I'm here to do business and rough fucking only
  • 2
    @tosensei welcome to fucking capitalism you dipshit, a world where money dont fall from the sky. If i pissed blood to earn allthis money with $8 an hour working extremely hard job i will damn fucking be sure not to give it away for free to some stupid fucking bitch to buy some stupid fucking brand sunglasses that she doesnt even need in the first place. Ur the kind of guy your wife cheats on with a boss like me
  • 4
    @b2plane dude, in all possible seriousness: the moment where you describe your "hot blonde gf" as "to some stupid fucking bitch" - that is the moment where, for your sake, for her sake, and for our gene pools sake you should break up with her as ASAP as possible.

    you obviously aren't in the relationship for the relationship, or for her, but because you're too broke to hire a prostitute.

    also: the philosophy you described is exactly the philosophy WHY we're in a shithole of fucking capitalism.

    you're not a victim of the system. you're part of the problem.
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus Not if they want something stupid.
  • 4
    Guys, what do we do when we see bait like this? Do we comment something "wise", something "funny", or --?
  • 5
    @c3r38r170 Well I'm going to comment another rude gargoyle. It seems like the most appropriate response, to be honest.
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    @tosensei she wants stupid fucking overpriced sunglasses. I offered a solution to help her have it immediately. I am not doing it for nothing tho. My hard earned fucking money better be paid back. I dont give a fuck. The fact that random unknown people have no shame to ask for and expect TIPS, but i get trashed on for asking my money back when i help someone get the shit they want asap? Youre a fucking clown. You probably get ran over by everyone in life. U get used by everyone. U'll never be a fucking boss if you dont hold firm to your principles. Ur probably also broke. Even if i was a millionaire or homeless i would still stay firm to my principles and ask for money + interest. This is because in capitalism nobody ever gave a shit to donate me, tip me, give me a discount, or help me financially. Nobody. And i will simply play along the capitalism game. If nobody gives a shit to change it why should i? I dont give twice as much shit
  • 4
    I'm not sure the interest rate you're charging reflects the creditworthiness of the borrower, although the precise meaning of "broke as fuck" is subjective, I suppose.

    Or are you planning to get some of the gangsters who buy your used cars to put a dead horse in her bed if she doesn't pay?
  • 2
    I had E few exes leaning on my wealth. It was OK for me, and still is.

    But Ineed, I don't pay for expensive stuf. Only a Samsung smartwatch for special occasion.

    Sharing in life a seat in heaven
  • 2
    @b2plane "The fact that random unknown people have no shame to ask for and expect TIPS" - oh, how terrible, people want to have enough money to actually feed themselves, oh nooooooo :<

    also: to get it into your skull: it's not about "wanting your money back". it's about "you little capitalist shitbag demanding INTEREST".

    "And i will simply play along the capitalism game. If nobody gives a shit to change it why should i?" - that's why we can't have nice things: "people are shitty but _I_ am not gonna be the one trying to make them less shitty".

    dude, you sure you're not a disguised ferengi?
  • 3
    Cant she buy the glasses herself and pay in installments?
  • 1
    @tosensei those people already have a salary. And the fact their daddy bosses don't pay them enough, so they have to demand for tips from me, is NOT my fucking problem. Its their boss/business owner's problem. Get fucking real. Im not going to finance workers of another man's business just because he wants to take more profits for his business. I will give 0 tips and pay exactly the worth of what i ordered. Welcome to the RUTHLESS world of Capitalism
  • 0
    @b2plane it's not your problem - but it's a problem you actively help to keep up. you put the "ruthless" in "ruthless world of capitalism".
  • 0
    @tosensei go to any bank and tell them the same thing you're telling me, that they're a capitalist shitbags for demanding interest. If they can do it so will i
  • 2
    @b2plane well, there's a slight difference between "a bank" and "a relationship partner".

    that is - unless your relationship is completely transactional and you truly are just too broke for a prostitute.
  • 1
    @tosensei i didnt invent this game of capitalism. And i was a victim of it my whole life. Its now time to turn the tables and join the darker side. The other side. The side of not being a victim anymore. You can either be a victim or abuser of Capitalism. Hunt or get hunted. Eat or be eaten. There is no fucking third choice. And i am tired of being eaten. I will now eat and walk over dead people if i fucking have to. And thats not what i want, but if im forced to do it, i will do it even if i dont want. Hate the game not the player
  • 1
    @b2plane there is a third choice.

    NOT being a capitalist asshole.

    but some people just don't have the brain capacity to see this. or just deny it so they can justify their own capitalist shittiness - i'm curious which one it is for you.

    "Hate the game not the player" - but pity the fool who keeps gambling even if they are ahead for once.
  • 0
    @tosensei I don't need to get a prostitute. All women of modern age are materialistic and corrupted due to Capitalism. My current hot blonde gf is as good as it can possibly get. Ive seen other whores who demand the guy to drive a nice car. Earn close to 6 figures and buy all the time everything and not ask for money in return. My hot blonde gf tolerates my brokeness because she knows im working hard to escape poverty
  • 0
    @retoor she cant buy it cz shes broke, but i can be her God and help her buy it immediately.. of course it will come with financial consequences for her
  • 1
    @b2plane "All women of modern age are materialistic and corrupted due to Capitalism" - no.
  • 5
    I keep assuming you’re role playing all the time.
  • 5
    My bet is she isn't going to pay you back a shit.
  • 2
    @b2plane But... if you keep asking for extra money that will *keep her broke* as well... and we all know that money makes more money... so if you ask for interest on top of the loan and keep her broke, she will likely stay broke.

    I mean this is how the system already works and why so many people are poor in the first place. Which makes you part of the problem now (as someone mentioned above)

    The *reasonable* solution is to discuss it together and simply skip the glasses all together if you really can't afford them. And if she simply must have them, then just lend her the money and ask to pay back the original sum, without any interest... Because if you two gonna stay together then you want *her* to be rich as well... the richer she is, the richer she gets, which means you both have more money to spend, which is a good thing. -_-

    I mean you have no right to call her "my hot blond gf" if you treat her like a whore. You may call her "my fuck buddy" maybe. GF is someone special -_-
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  • 2
    @Hazarth i am not part of the problem. The dumb fucking people being desperate enough to spend over 300$ on 1 sunglasses just because its a luxury brand is their own fucking fault. With full right i have to charge them for them spending money on a liability
  • 1
    @b2plane you are part of the problem in many ways - at the very least by "enabling the behavior".
  • 1
    @b2plane just personal experience from when I lend money to my friends 🤡
  • 2
    @cafecortado can relate, I lost about 100 USD that I gave to a friend. It stung for a bit.

    @tosensei why are you entertaining this clown OP? Leave him and his hot blonde gf be 😆😆😆
  • 3
    The only thing worse than a disgusting piece of shit is a disgusting piece of shit that is proud about being a disgusting piece if shit.
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    @jestdotty aaand your doubt is based on.. you don't like me?

    so, just like every other opinion you have, it's just pure speculation?
  • 0
    @tosensei God i missed you assholes.
  • 0
    @jestdotty thanks for validating my thesis of "pure speculation with no roots in reality"
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