
80% of people who comment online are small people. 100% of small people who read the previous sentence thought they belonged to the remaining 20%.

It's not who likes you, it's who hates you. If small people like me, I should be worried. If small people hate me, that means I'm not one of them, and I'm doing good.

The above is true for every online community at any moment in time.

  • 0
    an 80:20 ratio is quite conservative. probably closer to 98:2 in some communities
  • 3
    We're literally on a small peoples platform. It's 100:0 here. There's not a single truly important person here. We're just bickering among ourselves just like the world governments like it.

    I did get into a small argument with Neil DeGrass Tyson on Twitter in the past though and he blocked me. Does that mean important people hate me?
  • 0
    I noticed that you use the term "small people" quite often, to imply that they lack some kind of quality. And I don’t think that you mean the literal body size, or do you?
    So, what is it?

    Maybe I’m too unfamiliar with the English language but I haven’t heard that phrase before in that context.
  • 2
    @Hazarth what r u doing up at 100 o clock?? 😂

    I first read this as 80 percent of people who COMMIT online are small people lol
  • 0
    @Hazarth no, that guy is a cunt.
  • 2
    I assumed you were calling me small, not that I was part of the 20%

    also your stats are made up and uselessly random
    sounds like an appeal to authority
    so let's break it down thinking there is no authority that did these stats for you and it's just you in your own head

    you think you're better than everybody else and you wanna dunk
    you think yourself clever, believing you can predict others
    and you're also offering unsolicited advice as a coping mechanism for how hurt you feel that people reject you
    and from that stems you feeling superior over other people
    you're misanthropic because people won't do what you want them to do and treat you how you want them to treat you
    and this post is specifically fishing for you to reinforce your beliefs that you should hate all of humanity
    you basically posted bait to reinforce your own projected hatred towards other people because you don't wanna evolve and adapt to whatever had just spurred all this

    that'll be 200$
  • 2
    Agree with @jestdotty, sounds like "small thinking" rant with an accusatory tone.
    Reminds me of every "if you read this ..." joke. Have yet to find a funny one.
  • 1
    @hjk101 thank you for the TLDR :)
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